Last Sunday the RiverKids covered the same topic as the adults: The Holy Spirit & Healing. The children enjoyed hearing a couple great stories about Jesus healing people from Mark 1:18-25 (below) and then they had even more fun acting one out! (see the fun video on our River NYC Families Group on Facebook) The Faith of the Centurion One day, a Roman army officer came to Jesus and begged, “Jesus, my young servant is sick. He can’t move and is in terrible pain.” Jesus said, “I will come and heal him.” But the officer said, “Sir, you don’t need to come all the way to my house. Just say the word from here and my servant will be healed. I know this because I am an army officer and have soldiers under me. I only need to say, ‘Go,’ and they go, or ‘Come,’ and they come. If I say to them to do something, they do it.” Jesus was amazed to hear the officer. He said, “I have not seen faith like this even in all Israel!” He said to the officer, “Go back home. It will be done as you believed.” And the officer’s young servant was healed that same hour. Jesus Heals Many Jesus and his friends, then, went to Peter’s house. That day, Peter’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. Jesus touched her hand and the fever left her. She got out of bed, cooked and served a meal for Jesus and his friends. That evening, people in the village brought their sick friends and families to Jesus. Jesus touched them and with a simple command, he healed them. It was just like what the prophet Isaiah said, “God’s chosen one, He took our sickness And removed our diseases.” Now it is time for us to leave”. Then they got up and went out together. Part of our approach at RiverKids ministry is to ask "WONDERING QUESTIONS" which are meant to engage the kids in an open-ended way with the themes of the day. Here are this week's questions: I wonder what’s your favorite part of the story? I wonder what the most surprising part of the story is to you? I wonder how the servant felt? I wonder if some people thought that his healing was just a coincidence? I wonder if any of you has stories like this where God heals? Do you know anyone who needs Jesus to heal them? Check out "Riverkids This Week" on your RiverApp for our current story of the week. #riverkids #rivernyc #riverapp #storyoftheweek #holyspirit Comments are closed.
November 2024
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