Thanks for checking out the River. We look forward to getting to know you! We recognize that it can take a bit of time to get acclimated to a new church, so we recommend trying at least three Sundays before deciding if the River is right for you.
How Can I Get Connected Right Away?
Start Attending a Sunday Service Regularly
Chat With a Pastor
Visit a LifeGroup, Take a Class, or Attend an Event
How Can I Get Connected Right Away?
- Read the RiverBlog, visit our River Youtube channel, or listen to our sermons to get a feel for what we're all about.
Start Attending a Sunday Service Regularly
- Our Sunday services are where it all begins at the River! It's a great way to get a sense of what the church is all about and learn who's who. Each Sunday we come together to create a warm and inviting community where New Yorkers from EVERY background can connect. An added bonus is that you’ll hear about a variety of other classes, groups, and events you may be interested in. Hope you can join us!
Chat With a Pastor
- Another great way to feel connected is to chat with one of our pastors. Click here to schedule a time to connect!
Visit a LifeGroup, Take a Class, or Attend an Event
- The River's LifeGroups, classes, and events help connect you with meaningful relationships. If you're looking to build friendships at the River, these groups are a great place to start. Join our mailing list to learn about upcoming classes, groups, and events.