Celebrating Eastertide with Riverkids
Last Sunday (May 5), we kicked off our new series, This Changes Everything! In the church calendar, Easter is not just one day. Easter is a season when we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and how this changes the way we see life and death, and what we thought was impossible and possible. During Eastertide the children will hear stories of Jesus' appearance to his disciples after the resurrection. We are going to explore what this resurrection reality might mean for us, here and now, and how we can live it out. Art Show/Auction coming soon! Over the next several weeks, Riverkids & Youth are going to be involved in a variety of art projects that show how God is making things new and breathing life into everything. Our world is forever changed because of Jesus' resurrection! These artworks will be displayed and auctioned off after the service on Pentecost (June 9) to benefit Asha-usa.org, our non-profit partner with the mission of transforming lives in the slums of Delhi. This is going to be a fun, exciting, and colorful season, so please bring your children along on Sundays :D We would love to include everyone in the art show! Amelia Cunard | Riverkids Director Comments are closed.
November 2024
riverkids/youthClick here for more information about the RiverKids and RiverYouth programs! |